Living Well with Big "C"ancer

I'm writing to express my feelings and share my journey about having and surviving CANCER! These are just my thoughts and opinions. I believe humor to be a big healer .... laughing, crying, living everyday to the fullest!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Waiting ... Waiting

Waiting ... Waiting for my appointment with my wonderful cancer surgeon, Dr Dotters.  It was check- up time after completing all my treatment. A poke here and a poke there (here a poke there a poke every where a poke poke) sorry got carried away, and a million questions later...
  I get the thumbs up!

 NED.....No Evidence of  Disease.

 Happy dance!   Hugs all around!

It has been a long 10 months of treatment and recovery.....Still more recovery time needed.  My recovery plan is being implemented with Whole Food, Exercise, Attitude, Fresh air and Sunshine, or vitamin D. What can I say, I live in rainy Oregon, vitamin D is our friend.  I'm now working to keep all my new cells healthy and happy.

It is a great day :-)


  1. We are dancing in Vancouver for you!!!!! I like NED.

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