Living Well with Big "C"ancer

I'm writing to express my feelings and share my journey about having and surviving CANCER! These are just my thoughts and opinions. I believe humor to be a big healer .... laughing, crying, living everyday to the fullest!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sunburned Butt!

Hooray!!!  Phase two treatment complete! It has been a long five weeks, but we're finally done. We have had 25 radiation zaps to the butt area. Well, really more than that 25 x 4 = 100 and I'll still be cooking for about 6 week while the body begins to heal. So just imagine one hell of a sun burn in that tender region, thank heaven for lidocaine cream. I have done well with treatment with few side effects.

The  next step is three  rounds of  Bracytheraphy, internal radiation which will be a week apart. This involves inserting a tube and then sending in a radioactive seed which will sit at the cervix for 3 to 8 minutes. This will be a high dose of radiation administered right to the top of where the cervix used to be. This will reduce a recurrence to this area to about 2%. Sounds pretty good. The rest will be up to me to keep it at bay.

I'm posting a couple images of the radiation treatment zapping center. Lovely position face down, butts up.

Standing up to Cancer!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hump Day

Today I'm at the half way mark of my radiation  treatment. Only two and a half weeks to go for the external radiation. But, we discovered a complication today. Last week I had complained of my right arm hurting this week I noticed my hand and arm were swollen, they did an ultrasound on my arm ..... yes, I have a blood clot. Talked with the Doctor he said they would start me on blood thinners tomorrow. Then his nurse called wanted me to return corvallis and pick up the drugs today. At first I said yes I'll be there, then I called her back and said it will wait till morning.  Maybe a mistake if the clot makes a run for it to the lush land of the lung.   All this because of the stupid power port that was put in. I have enough problems keeping my blood counts up and now they have to thin it down and with all those side effects that go with it. Darn.....I'm just a little ticked......